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savable leaderboard, what am I missing? Why is it not working? Help!

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local ds1 = datastore:GetDataStore("KillsSaveSystem") local ds2 = datastore:GetDataStore("CashSaveSystem") local ds3 = datastore:GetDataStore("DeathSaveSystem") local ds4 = datastore:GetDataStore("LevelSaveSystem") local ds5 = datastore:GetDataStore("XPSaveSystem") function onXPChanged(player, XP, level) if XP.Value>=level.Value * 10 then XP.Value = 0 level.Value = level.Value + 1 end end function onLevelUp(player, XP, level) local m ="Hint") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = player.Name .. " has leveled up!" wait(3) m.Parent = nil player.Humanoid.Health = 0 end function onPlayerRespawned(player) wait(5) player.Character.Humanoid.Health = player.Character.Humanoid.Health + player.leaderstats.Level * 10 player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth + player.leaderstats.Level * 10 end function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) local stats = stats.Name = "leaderstats" local cash ="IntValue",stats) cash.Name = "Cash" local kills ="IntValue",stats) kills.Name = "Kills" local deaths ="IntValue",stats) deaths.Name = "Deaths" local level ="IntValue",stats) level.Name = "Level" local xp ="IntValue",stats) xp.Name = "XP" kills.Value = ds1:GetAsync(newPlayer.UserId) or 0 ds1:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, kills.Value) cash.Value = ds2:GetAsync(newPlayer.UserId) or 0 ds2:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, cash.Value) deaths.Value = ds3:GetAsync(newPlayer.UserId) or 0 ds3:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, deaths.Value) level.Value = ds4:GetAsync(newPlayer.UserId) or 0 ds4:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, level.Value) xp.Value = ds5:GetAsync(newPlayer.UserId) or 0 ds5:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, xp.Value) cash.Parent = stats stats.Parent = newPlayer kills.Parent = stats deaths.Parent = stats level.Parent = stats xp.Parent = stats ---updater xp.Changed:connect(function() onXPChanged(newPlayer, xp, level) end) level.Changed:connect(function() onLevelUp(newPlayer, xp, level) end) kills.Changed:connect(function() ds1:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, kills.Value) end) cash.Changed:connect(function() ds2:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, cash.Value) end) deaths.Changed:connect(function() ds3:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, deaths.Value) end) level.Changed:connect(function() ds4:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, level.Value) end) xp.Changed:connect(function() ds5:SetAsync(newPlayer.UserId, xp.Value) end) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do not edit past here or you will be risking breaking the script!!!! -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while true do if newPlayer.Character ~= nil then break end wait(5) end local humanoid = newPlayer.Character.Humanoid humanoid.Died:connect(function() onHumanoidDied(humanoid, newPlayer) end ) -- start to listen for new humanoid newPlayer.Changed:connect(function(property) onPlayerRespawn(property, newPlayer) end ) stats.Parent = newPlayer end function Send_DB_Event_Died(victim, killer) -- killer may be nil local killername = "unknown" if killer ~= nil then killername = killer.Name end print(victim.Name, " was killed by ", killername) if shared["deaths"] ~= nil then shared["deaths"](victim, killer) print("Death event sent.") end end function Send_DB_Event_Kill(killer, victim) print(killer.Name, " killed ", victim.Name) if shared["kills"] ~= nil then shared["kills"](killer, victim) print("Kill event sent.") end end function onHumanoidDied(humanoid, player) local stats = player:findFirstChild("leaderstats") if stats ~= nil then local deaths = stats:findFirstChild("Deaths") deaths.Value = deaths.Value + 1 -- do short dance to try and find the killer local killer = getKillerOfHumanoidIfStillInGame(humanoid) Send_DB_Event_Died(player, killer) handleKillCount(humanoid, player) end end function onPlayerRespawn(property, player) -- need to connect to new humanoid if property == "Character" and player.Character ~= nil then local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid local p = player local h = humanoid humanoid.Died:connect(function() onHumanoidDied(h, p) end ) end end function getKillerOfHumanoidIfStillInGame(humanoid) -- returns the player object that killed this humanoid -- returns nil if the killer is no longer in the game -- check for kill tag on humanoid - may be more than one - todo: deal with this local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") -- find player with name on tag if tag ~= nil then local killer = tag.Value if killer.Parent ~= nil then -- killer still in game return killer end end return nil end function handleKillCount(humanoid, player) local killer = getKillerOfHumanoidIfStillInGame(humanoid) if killer ~= nil then local stats = killer:findFirstChild("leaderstats") if stats ~= nil then local kills = stats:findFirstChild("Kills") local cash = stats:findFirstChild("Cash") local xp = stats:findFirstChild("XP") if killer ~= player then kills.Value = kills.Value + 1 cash.Value = cash.Value + 50 xp.Value = xp.Value + 3 else kills.Value = kills.Value - 0 end Send_DB_Event_Kill(killer, player) end end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered)

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