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What math is involved to change BodyVelocity Velocity to part Orientation?

Asked by 5 years ago

Hello, I have a part with a Body Velocity inside of it. The body velocity only moves the part based on a fixed X,Y,Z axis. For example, 0,2,0 gives the part an upward Velocity while 0,0,2 gives the part a forward Velocity no matter the part orientation. So, my question is what math is involved with making the part's BodyVelocity Velocity equal said value based on the part Orientation. A part with an Orientation of 45,0,0 and a Velocity of the same Orientation does NOT give the part a forward force based on the Orientation. I have pictures provided below of 2 parts, one facing upwards 45 degrees, and another turned 45 degrees. -- Upwards -- Turned

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Answered by
DanzLua 2879 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
5 years ago

Using the part's CFrame, we can take its lookVector to feed to the BodyVelocity.

lookVector gives us the Vector3 value relative to world which is its direction


By manipulating that CFrame, you can change the direction of its lookVector when feed to BodyVelocity too.

You're awesome! Thank you! vislbIe 4 — 5y

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