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How do I round a series of numbers to the closest, for example 50?

Asked by 5 years ago

I have a series of prices in a table that is calculated automatically based on an average health which leaves numbers such as 142, 174, 229, 4320.

for i, v in pairs(priceTbl) do
    local avgHealth = (v["Health"][1] + v["Health"][2] + v["Health"][3])/3
    v["Price"] = math.floor(avgHealth * 1.3)

How does one achieve making it so that when the raw price is calculated, it gets rounded to 50?

I believe this only rounds to the closest 1? Marmalados 193 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago

Divide/multiply a number before putting it through math.floor:

function round(n, toNearest)
    toNearest = toNearest or 1
    return math.floor(n / toNearest + 0.5) * toNearest
print(round(5.3)) -- 5
print(round(122, 50)) -- 100
print(round(125, 50)) -- 150
thank u kind sir! Marmalados 193 — 5y

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