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Animation change on touch?

Asked by 5 years ago

So I am trying to make a script that turns people into zombies on touch,now I have a problem with an animation (R6). I can't figure out how to make a script that changes the player's walking and idle animation on touch. I look at other animation scripts but I just can't find the one that changes the animations of only the player that touched the part.Help? I am making it for the R6 avatars.

Can you post some code at least showing us you attempted it Prestory 1395 — 5y
I'd have a block of code change the ID of the animation objects that are in the character's animate script Kyokamii 133 — 5y
I am still very new to coding,and I am trying to modify a script I found on youtube tutorial but everything just confuses me,this is my attempt to code it. chinesecook 2 — 5y
local function OnTouch (hit) script.Parent.Touched.connect(OnTouch) while true do if newPlayer.Character ~= nil then break end wait(.1) chinesecook 2 — 5y
And so on... You can just find it by searching for free models "animation changer" but I cannot modify it to only affect the player that touched the modified part chinesecook 2 — 5y

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