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Well this is rather complex but what algorithms would be best for NPCs in a basketball game?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Now Im currently attempting the alpha beta pruning algorithm which is commonly used in chess i could have the the court broken down into a grid system but this is only in a theoretical state. Next I plan on trying a Graphical Model for Baskeball Match Simulation Here but i think that may be too complex but its worth trying. So if any of you have any suggestions for Defensive and offensive Ai for basketball it would be deeply appreciated. Ive tried looking for the code that helped run the npcs on famous basketball games like 2k and NBA Live but ive come up dry so ill take what i can get now.

Right now the npcs just operate off positions that i set according to plays that i made up myself but that is rather inefficient and predictable the defensive Npcs use Pathfinding to get to the position between the offensive opponent and the goal



that paper you attached is to simulate the game result between two team. it is not for simulating each npc to play the game. TomAndelson 258 — 5y
I had a feeling it wasnt what i thought it was i planned on reading it tomorrow The_Pr0fessor 595 — 5y

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