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How do you make equippable armour?

Asked by 5 years ago

ive been searching and i still am going to, and im also going to make an inventory and keybinding for it, but i know how to make armour. But i just dont know how id go about putting it in something like a chest or having it being found and then picked up for the player to wear.

EX;a player finds armour on the ground. they pick it up (by pressing E). and its in their inventory. They can equip to wear it.

Basic question: How do i make armour equippable. to put it on.

Does anyone know a tutorial or the basics of this? you know like what kind it is? it would be greatly appreciated thank you.

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Use a FM armour giver, and look at the script. Most of them use getchildren so you can change the contents of the armour.

Now just change the ontouch function for putting it on, into a press E function.

Thank you very much! ill try it out Ramization 0 — 5y

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