Someone showed me their script, and I was looking at the following:
function DataHandler(p,o,key)
This was the very first line in the script. I'm not exactly the best scripter so I don't entirely understand this. What is the key for? Does it have something to do with Tables? This may seem to have a blantly obvious answer, but I could use some help from the community. Thanks.
By the question asked, you probably know what parameters do. The key parameter is somethingnthe writer put in to access something when the function is called. I haven't seen the function, so I can't say exactly, but it could be for a table as you suggested.
If you didn't know what parameters do:
This is the first line of their function that they are defining. The parameters are inserted when calling then function. They can be named whatever the writer wants to call them, usually something short.
Example of use: If I wanted to make a function that adds any given two numbers I could do this:
function add(num1, num2) --defining my function return num1+num2 end add(1,1) --returns 2
It takes the parameters and uses them in the function.
Hope this helped!
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