Hello, I've been recently working on an Admin Script that has worked fine until I added the Trello API to it, it's a Server Script located in ServerScriptService. I don't know what the issue is as it's printing nothing to show any sign of errors or warnings.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage") local kick = Instance.new("RemoteFunction", ReplicatedStorage) local API = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("TrelloAPI")) local BoardID = API:GetBoardID("Game: Inspired Bans") local ListID = API:GetListID("Bans", BoardID) local Banned = API:GetCardsInList(ListID) local Admins = { { GroupId = 2969540; RankId = 248; }; } local Prefix = "\\" local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Commands = {} Commands.kick = function(Sender, Arguments) local Message = table.concat(Arguments, " ") if (Arguments == nil) then return end local Victim = Arguments[1]; if Victim == "me" then Victim = Sender.Name end local Reason = Arguments[2]; if (Arguments[2] == nil) then Reason = "No reason provided." end game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(Victim):Kick(Reason) end Commands.ban = function(Sender, Arguments) local Message = table.concat(Arguments, " ") if (Arguments == nil) then return end local Victim = Arguments[1]; if (Arguments[1] == nil) then return end local Reason = Arguments[2]; if (Arguments[2] == nil) then Reason = "No reason provided." end game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(Victim):Kick("You have been banned.") local NewCard = API:AddCard(Victim,Reason,ListID) NewCard() end Commands.speed = function(Sender, Arguments) local Message = table.concat(Arguments, " ") if (Arguments == nil) then return end local Victim = Arguments[1]; if Victim == "me" then Victim = Sender.Name end local Speed = tonumber(Arguments[2]); if (Arguments[2] == nil) then Speed = 16 end game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(Victim).Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Speed end local function checkBanned(name) local isBanned = false for i, v in pairs(Banned) do if v.name == name then isBanned = true end end return isBanned end local function IsAdmin(Player) for _, Admin in pairs (Admins) do print(Admin, Player) if type(Admin) == "table" then local Rank = Player:GetRankInGroup(Admin.GroupId) if Rank >= (Admin.RankId or 248) then return true end end end return false end local function ParseMessage(Player, Message) local PrefixMatch = string.match(Message, "^"..Prefix) if PrefixMatch then Message = string.gsub(Message, PrefixMatch, "", 1) local Arguments = {} for Argument in string.gmatch(Message, "[^%s]+") do table.insert(Arguments, Argument) end local CommandName = Arguments[1] table.remove(Arguments, 1) local CommandFunc = Commands[CommandName] if CommandFunc ~= nil then CommandFunc(Player, Arguments) end end end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) if checkBanned(Player.Name) then game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(Player.Name):Kick("You have been banned.") end Player.Chatted:Connect(function(Message, Recipient) if not Recipient and IsAdmin(Player) then ParseMessage(Player, Message) end end) end)
This is the full script because I don't know where the issue is contained.