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How can you script (only a group of parts) within a model along with a model?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Parts + Model = Grouped Model

I would like to script only the Parts, this is what I tried :

local SpawnPoint = ClonedMap:GetChildren("Part")

for i, player in pairs (plrs) do

    if player then

character = player.Character

    if character then

local AvailableSpawnPoint = SpawnPoint[math.random(1,#SpawnPoint)]

character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = AvailableSpawnPoint.CFrame

*Is that right?

I'm not sure, it is always the error I get it my output.*

Put the entire script, you're missing quite a bit. DanzLua 2879 — 4y

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