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This script is supposed to change the decal every second?

Asked by 10 years ago

while true do --Loop script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) script.Parent.Decal.Texture="" wait(1) end

--The property says the decal's texture is changing, but the decal on the brick is completely blank

5 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago


Make all of them ""

Edited... Grenaderade 525 — 10y
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Answered by 10 years ago

First off, are the decals approved? And also, I think it takes some time for decals to load, meaning you can't change them that fast.

Tip; Place print functions to see if there is any piece of code not working.

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Answered by
BlackJPI 2658 Snack Break Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

In this case, you should use a loop in order to make it much more efficient. Your error was that you did not put in front of the decal id.

01local decal = script.Parent -- Location of Decal
02local decals = {
03    [1] = 55223333,
04    [2] = 55223346,
05    [3] = 55223360,
06    [4] = 55223371,
07    [5] = 55223387,
08    [6] = 55223405,
09    [7] = 55223418,
10    [8] = 55223429,
11    [9] = 55223443,
12    [10] = 55223567,
13    [11] = 55223469,
14    [12] = 55223485,
15    [13] = 55223513,
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Answered by 10 years ago

OK make all the wait ones into (wait)2 for safty

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Answered by 10 years ago

hears a model of it can edit it if you want but this is rilly easy. so have fun.

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