i asked a question a little while ago, i got an answer that worked but i didn't get a chance to expand on it, basically i got neon lights (Parts with neon texture) with point lights inside them. i was wondering how i could rearrange this script so the colour of the light matches the brick colour every time it changes. (If that makes any sense)
math.randomseed(tick()) PartsToTurnColor = game.Workspace.CULUR:GetChildren()want to change color here Colors = {BrickColor.new("Royal purple"),BrickColor.new("Steel blue"),BrickColor.new("Pastel blue-green"),BrickColor.new("Hot pink"),BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green")} while wait(130) do color = Colors[math.random(1,#Colors)] for _,v in pairs(PartsToTurnColor) do v.BrickColor = color end end
if you change the brick color of a part then the rgb value will change as well, just grab the Color3 value and put it inside the lights Color3 Value
math.randomseed(tick()) PartsToTurnColor = game.Workspace.CULUR:GetChildren()want to change color here Colors = {BrickColor.new("Royal purple"),BrickColor.new("Steel blue"),BrickColor.new("Pastel blue-green"),BrickColor.new("Hot pink"),BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green")} while wait(130) do color = Colors[math.random(1,#Colors)] for _,v in pairs(PartsToTurnColor) do v.BrickColor = color pointlight.Color = v.Color end end
You have to translate the brick colors to the RGB colors.
I prefer to use color3 instead, because it will be more convenient.
BrickColor = {etc.} ...... Local color = Colors[math.random(1,#Colors)] Brick.BrickColor = color Local RGB = Brick.Color3
This is just an idea. Not a SCRIPT!