So recently, I've spent some time making an airplane. I've scripted it all myself, and made a script called "AControls'. I've deleted the AControls script, since it just timed out my game, but it still senses a click. When I click A, it triggers my WControls script, as well as my SControls script.
WControls script:
script.Parent.Active.Changed:Connect(function(newValue) if newValue == true then local userinputservice = game:GetService("UserInputService") local plane = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Plane.Value) local keycode = Enum.KeyCode local wkey = keycode.W local rshiftkey = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift local lshiftkey = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift local gkey = keycode.G --making functions for w key-- local function wpress() return userinputservice:IsKeyDown(wkey) end local function wfunction(input, gameProcessedEvent) if wpress() then if plane.Values.Throttle.Value < 100 then plane.Values.Throttle.Value = plane.Values.Throttle.Value + 10 plane.VehicleSeat.Throttle = plane.VehicleSeat.Throttle +10 print("changed plane's throttle") end else print("throttle value was already 100. dismissed.") end end --ended wpress function-- userinputservice.InputBegan:connect(wfunction) --making functions for s key-- end end)
SControls script:
script.Parent.Active.Changed:Connect(function(newValue) if newValue == true then local userinputservice = game:GetService("UserInputService") local plane = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Plane.Value) local keycode = Enum.KeyCode local skey = keycode.S local rshiftkey = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift local lshiftkey = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift local gkey = keycode.G --making functions for w key-- local function spress() return userinputservice:IsKeyDown(skey) end local function sfunction(input, gameProcessedEvent) if spress() then if plane.Values.Throttle.Value > 0 and plane.Values.Throttle.Value < 101 then plane.Values.Throttle.Value = plane.Values.Throttle.Value - 10 plane.VehicleSeat.Throttle = plane.VehicleSeat.Throttle - 10 end else print("throttle value was already 0. dismissed.") end end userinputservice.InputBegan:connect(sfunction) --ended wpress function-- end end)
Thanks! :)