Well what happened was I was building on my game and then I accidently right clicked and clicked a random button. I was sent to a script manual so I closed all those tabs out. And tried to make a new world/BasePlate. And now it sent me to how to make a obby! Does anyone know how to stop this from popping up??? When I load up a new world It doesn't load. It opens up a instructions how make a perfect lobby, And this screen has no X to exit and stuff So I cant create (Cover the hole screen) If you wanna see for your self add me on discord and ill screen share my computer. St1cksYT
From what I can see, here is what you need to do.
Assuming you still have access to the top bar. Click view
located at the top of your screen. Once you click on that, under view there should be a new window that appeared. In the new window, look for a button labeled Tutorials
. Press that.
If it still did not close
Click on anything that has a background darker than the window background. That de-selects it and closes the window that was opened when you clicked it.
Still nothing?
Save your project, close ROBLOX Studio. Delete ROBLOX Studio off of your PC/Mac and then re-download it.