I need help I am trying to figure out what ASCII code enter/return is on ROBLOX lua.
try decimal. I don't know if this is supported in roblox
> = string.byte("ABCDE", 2) -- return the ASCII value of the second character 66 > = string.char(65,66,67,68,69) -- return a string constructed from ASCII values ABCDE > = string.find("hello Lua user", "Lua") -- find substring "Lua" 7 9 > = string.find("hello Lua user", "l+") -- find one or more occurrences of "l" 3 4 > = string.format("%.7f", math.pi) -- format a number 3.1415927 > = string.format("%8s", "Lua") -- format a string Lua
Ascii table:- http://www.ascii-code.com/