Hi there all,
I have a script and all of a sudden, with no changes made, one of the parts has stopped working. It used to work fine but for some reason it doesnt work anymore. It doesnt print any errors or info in the output. The script is below.
function Control(player,bn,ln,dc,ld) local rank = game.Players[player.Name]:GetRankInGroup(1096916) game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player.Name)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "The server is processing your request, please wait..." if rank ~= 0 then if rank ~= 2 then if ld == true and rank >2 then local count = table.getn(queue) table.insert(queue,tostring(player)) table.insert(queue,bn) table.insert(queue,ln) table.insert(queue,dc) Spawn_ServerComms() elseif ld == false then local count = table.getn(queue) table.insert(queue,tostring(player)) table.insert(queue,bn) table.insert(queue,ln) table.insert(queue,dc) Spawn_ServerComms() elseif ld == false and rank <2 then game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "You must be LD+ to drive this bus!" end else if rank == 2 then game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "You are suspended and cannot drive!" end end else game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "Error: Server unauthorised your request." end end receive = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Spawn_Client") receive.OnServerInvoke = Control
The part in question is these parts, they don't do anything and the script doesn't break or return anything, it just no longer wants to change the text anymore.
game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player.Name)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "The server is processing your request, please wait..."
game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "You must be LD+ to drive this bus!"
game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "You are suspended and cannot drive!"
game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(player)).PlayerGui.SpawnGUI.Finish.Status.Text = "Error: Server unauthorised your request."
Any help is appreciated!
Many thanks :)
in your first line, you use "player.Name" in FindFirstChild,
in all lines below, you use "player". I dont think you can FindFirstChild from a player object