I am attempting to have a GUI pop in from the top of the screen. The current position is at {0.5, -550},{0, -75}, putting the GUI just out of view.
I have this in a script: cam.Text:TweenPosition(UDim2.new({0.5, -550},{0, 0}), "In", "Bounce", 1)
It doesn't seem to work and the GUI just shows up in the final position, with no movement. Any ideas?
ROBLOX has broken the Gui Tweening in their last update.
I have heard on numerous occasions that using the script in a Local Script would work but I have also heard it will only work in test mode.
I am not sure what the real fix is, but I hope ROBLOX restores Tweening Guis soon.
cam.Text:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5, -550, 0, 0), "In", "Bounce", 1)
Try that You didn't need the {}'s