I'm making a game and a script is broken. Basically, there's a boss fight and it shoots bugs that damage you when you touch it, but the bugs won't damage you.
function Fly() local missle = Instance.new("Part") missle.Size = Vector3.new(7,8,7) missle.CanCollide = false missle.Transparency = 1 local Decal = VineAssets.FlyDecal:clone() Decal.Parent = missle local Vel = Instance.new("BodyVelocity", missle) Vel.MaxForce = Vector3.new(9999999,9999999,9999999) Vel.Velocity = Vector3.new(-20,0,0) local snd = VineAssets.FlyBuzz:clone() snd.Parent = missle Debris:AddItem(missle,4) missle.CFrame = CFrame.new(40,100,math.random(-32,32))*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) missle.Parent = script.Parent missle:SetNetworkOwner(nil) snd:Play() Damage(missle) end