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How do you make a GUI scale depending on the screen size?

Asked by
Tixy12 0
10 years ago

Well I am having a problem where the GUI doesn't fit. On my screen it shows up fine! But on my brothers computer screen it is slightly off and you cant see a 10th of the whole which is a whole letter. You cant see it because the screen is smaller. How would get the GUIs position to scale depending on the screen size? Please help me if you can?

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Answered by 10 years ago

This may not be related to scripting at all, the best place this question goes is in the Builders Help on the ROBLOX Forums. Anyway, I'll answer it:

GUI Sizes and Positions are as follows: {X.Scale, X.Offset}{Y.Scale,Y.Offset}

X+Y Scale = A number between 0 and 1, 0 is dead right, and 1 is dead left. X +YOffset = The Number of Pixels you want to add/subtract towards the right/left

If you would want a GUI with the size of {0.8,0}{0.8,0} Then the GUI would take 80% of the space to the right and 80% of the space down. To center it, you would position it to be {0.1,0}{0.1,0}

Scale is useful when it comes to small computers, as they will fit perfectly on the screen, but may not be visible. Offset may go offscreen a little.


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