It is hard to explain in the title, but basically when running this
Filter.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(fromfilter) print("string sent to client after filteration") if Textbox.Text ~= fromfilter then -- if this condition is met it runs fine Main.warn.Text = "The name was filtered, pick a new one." wait(2) Main.warn.Text = "" elseif Textbox.Text == fromfilter then -- if this condition is met, it runs a long as if both conditions were met Main.warn.Text = "" game.ReplicatedStorage.Buisness_Name.Value = fromfilter
I don't know why they both run if the elseif condition is met but its really annoying me.
Full script:
local Main = script.Parent local Textbox = Main.TextBox local title = Main.title local line = Main.line local business = local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") Main.Parent:WaitForChild("Business_Name", 30) game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Business_Creator.Enabled = false Filter = game.ReplicatedStorage.Filter Textbox.Changed:Connect(function() Textbox.Text = Textbox.Text:sub(0,12) end) local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") uis.InputBegan:connect(function(key) if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return then if Main.Enabled == true then if Textbox.Text == "" then Main.warn.Text = "Please enter a name." wait(1) Main.warn.Text = "" else local tofilter = Textbox.Text Filter:FireServer(tofilter) print("string sent to server for filteration") end Filter.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(fromfilter) print("string sent to client after filteration") if Textbox.Text ~= fromfilter then Main.warn.Text = "The name was filtered, pick a new one." wait(2) Main.warn.Text = "" elseif Textbox.Text == fromfilter then Main.warn.Text = "" game.ReplicatedStorage.Business_Name.Value = fromfilter Textbox.Text = "" line:TweenPosition(, 0,0.091, 0), "Out", "Sine", 1) title:TweenPosition(, 0,0.019, 0), "Out", "Sine", 1) Textbox:TweenPosition(, 0,9, 0), "Out", "Sine", 5) title.Text = "ame your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "me your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "e your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = " your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "e your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "ze your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "ize your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "mize your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "omize your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "tomize your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "stomize your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "ustomize your business" wait(0.1) title.Text = "Customize your business" business.Text = fromfilter end end) end end end)
Filter script:
Filter script: Filter = game.ReplicatedStorage.Filter Filter.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, tofilter) local Textbox = player.PlayerGui.Buisness_Creator.TextBox local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") print(tofilter) local result = TextService:FilterStringAsync(tofilter, player.UserId) print(result:GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync()) local fromfilter = result:GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync() Filter:FireClient(player, fromfilter) end)
the game this script is in: