I'm making a game that requires saving building information, and I wrote 4 functions that can save the data in tables. However, whenever I try to save it, it says that I "can't save an array in a datastore", even though I'm pretty sure it's a table...? I'm not even sure what the difference between an array and a table is. Any help is appreciated. Here are the functions:
function getData(thing,basepos) if thing.ClassName == "Model" then return {thing.PrimaryPart.Position-basepos,thing.PrimaryPart.Orientation,thing.Name} elseif thing.ClassName == "Part" or thing.ClassName == "MeshPart" or thing.ClassName == "SeatPart" then return {thing.Position-basepos,thing.Orientation,thing.Name} end end function getAllData(model,basepos) local alldata = {} for i = 1, #model:GetChildren() do local current = model:GetChildren()[i] local currentData = getData(current,basepos) alldata[i] = currentData end return(alldata) end function getModelFromData(data,basepos) local pos = data[1] local orientation = data[2] local name = data[3] local newModel = game.ReplicatedStorage[name]:Clone() if newModel.ClassName == "Model" then newModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(pos,orientation)) elseif newModel.ClassName == "Part" or newModel.ClassName == "SeatPart" or newModel.ClassName == "MeshPart" then newModel.Position = pos+basepos newModel.Orientation = orientation end return newModel end function getModelFromAllData(allData,modelName,basepos) local thisModel = Instance.new("Model") thisModel.Name = modelName for i=1, #allData do local currentData = allData[i] local currentmodel = getModelFromData(currentData,basepos) currentmodel.Parent = thisModel end return thisModel end
Sulfone helped me on discord:
a common nickname for a {a, b, c, d, ...}
sort of table is 'array' the Vector3s couldn't get saved to the datastore and so it couldn't save that data table