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How do I check if an object exists? [closed]

Asked by 11 years ago

Whenever I run code, sometimes the object doesn't exist like a characters's Left Leg. How do I check if it's there? Whenever I do:

1if character["Left Leg"] ~= nil then
2    --stuf

it gives me an error. Help?

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6 answers

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Answered by
User#2 0
11 years ago

Use the FindFirstChild method. The FindFirstChild method will search through the children of an object, until it finds an object who's name is the same as the string supplied, then it returns that object. If it doesn't find anything, it returns nil. Example:

1if character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") ~= nil then
2    -- stuff
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Answered by
Merely 2122 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
11 years ago

Adding on to 18cwatford's answer, in some cases you may want to wait until the object is created. Use the WaitForChild method.


1local leftLeg = character:WaitForChild("Left Leg")

If the "Left Leg" object is not added, then the script will wait forever.

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Answered by
blocco 185
11 years ago

Adding on to Merely's answer, WaitForChild only works if an object is added already having a certain name. That is, changing an object's name to the one you are waiting for after setting its parent will not count and your script will still be halted.

This may seem trivial at the moment, but you may come across times when you accidentally set an object's parent and then name it, rendering the WaitForChild method ineffective.

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Answered by 11 years ago
1local model= workspace:FindFirstChild("Model") --Find Model
2if not model~=nil then --Does model exist or not?
3print("Oh no! Model doesn't exist!") --It doesn't exist! :O
4else --Elseif it does
5print("Yay! Model exists!") --Yay! It exists! ;D
6end --The end for all the 'if' loop(s)
You can learn this kind of scripting from Person299's Admin Commands. TheeDeathCaster 2368 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

To make the code a bit more efficient, you could do

1LLeg = Workspace.Player:FindFirstChild("Left Leg")
2if LLeg then
3--Insert Code Here
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Answered by
Kratos232 105
11 years ago

Sure you could do all these fancy ~= nil things, but I like to do it like this:

1if character["Left Leg"] then -- You don't need to use ~= nil, it checks if you do it like this.
2-- Code

Well, bye.

  • Kratos232
That will just error if the object doesn't exist. Learn how to use something before spreading false information. User#11893 186 — 11y
It doesn't error, if you actually tried it you'd see it didn't. I use this in all my scripts and they all work fine. Kratos232 105 — 11y