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My admin whitelist system will not work I tried debugging and nothing works?

Asked by 5 years ago

I made a simple whitelist system for my admin commands and that part that checks if a user is whitelisted will not work. I tried debugging but the whole loop doesn't work. By the way this is in a serverscript

_G.Whitelist = {"Dusk_Reality", "Roblox"}
 print("This does not print") 
 for i,v in  pairs(_G.Whitelist) do  
 if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v) then  
 while wait(0.1) do game.Workspace.Dusk_Reality.Humanoid.Health = 0  
 -- It doesn't even kill me so this whole loop does not work.
Also if you are thinking that I join after the loop finishes that is not the case because the print("This does not print") doesn't print and that is what comes first so yeah. Dusk_Reality -5 — 5y

2 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

If that did work, it would just kill them.

Here is a kick script, if that's what you were after.

`````````` local permission = {"Dusk_Reality","Roblox"}


for _, v in ipairs(permission) do



if not v then player:Kick("Your kick message") end


end) ``````````````````

If you did, however want to kill them.

`````````` local permission = {"Dusk_Reality","Roblox"}


for _, v in ipairs(permission) do



if not v then player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Health = 0 end


end) ``````````````````

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

You are accessing the Humanoid of your character before it exists. You could use :WaitForChild, :FindFirstChild, or .CharacterAdded. Further, since you're using PlayerAdded, your function should only deal with the player that was added (not all the players in the game), since it'll be called for each player.

lua _G.Whitelist = {"Dusk_Reality", "Roblox"} -- Convert the list to a dictionary for immediate lookup local isAdministrator = {} for i = 1, #_G.Whitelist do isAdministrator[_G.Whitelist[i]] = true end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if isAdministrator[player.Name] then print(player, "has joined and is an administrator") else print(player, "has joined") return -- non-administrators won't have any of the code below run for them end player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) -- example of immediately killing a character wait() -- in my test, not having a wait() here set a player's health to 0 but did not kill them char.Humanoid.Health = 0 end) player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) -- can check for chat commands here end) end) I tested the code in a Script in ServerScriptService. Note that if you put this code in a LocalScript or accidentally set Enabled to false, the script would not run.

Also, if more than one script needs to know the list of administrators, it is better to use a ModuleScript rather than to rely on _G -- that way you can require the list of administrators rather than having to wait for _G.Whitelist to be defined (in case the script that creates the Whitelist runs after the script that needs the list).

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