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How do I split the parts of an admin command up?

Asked by 5 years ago

Hello, I have been working on an admin script. However, on this message command. I can not get the script to split up the command, player and message do three separate variables.

After looking at: I got closer to fixing the problem

However, the script only set the message variable to the first word of the command.

This is my code:

if string.find(msg:lower(), "!msg") then

    if msg:sub(1, 8):lower() == "!msg all" then
        local a,b,message = string.find(msg, "!msg all (%S+)") --> (%S+) only sets the variable message to the first word
        for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
            if tostring(player.Name) ~= tostring(speaker) then

                MessagePlayer:FireClient(game.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name), message)

        local a,b,name,message = string.find(msg, "!msg (%S+) (%S+)")         --> (%S+) only sets the variable message to the first word
        local name2 = NameShortening(name)
        if name2 ~= nil then

            MessagePlayer:FireClient(name2, message)


            TextService:FireClient(speaker, "This player does not exist!")

This is my issue:

local a,b,name,message = string.find(msg, "!msg (%S+) (%S+)")

As if the command was: !msg Tweakified Thank you for helping me.

The variable message would equal to 'Thank' not 'Thank you for helping me.'

Any help/advice that you can give me to fix this issue would be appreciated. Tweakified

I’m unable to find the problem with your script since the code formatting is broken for me specifically, but I do remember reading this tutorial that helped me separate parts of a command when I was trying to make admin commands: User#20279 0 — 5y

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