Problem: How do I find team colors in players, and implement them into my script? Background: I have some NPC's that won't attack each other based on a name, but I want to do it so that instead of detecting the name, it detects the team color. It is mostly red vs blue but the bots attack players regardless. Examples: A blue team NPC will not attack another NPC if the model name is "BlueNPC", but it will attack everything else with a different name. With this being true, they attack players as they have unique names and they cannot detect team colors as of now. Script:
function findTarget() local target local dist = 100 for _, p in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if p:IsA('Model') and p ~= script.Parent and p.Name ~= 'BlueNPC' --and p.(How do you find team color in players?)
The rest of the script basically decides either to follow them or not. I have tried to change the name of players when they step on the spawn however their name just reverts back, so that was useless. It would be a great help to anyone that knows about this, thanks.