This is my intro script, what it does is position the camera at a certain point. It then puts the first intro ("Intro") into the players current camera. All three intro objects are in starter gui.
After twenty seconds the first intro goes away, and IntroTwo is in the current camera now. However, if they the skip button it clears all the children in the camera. It then adds MenuCameraPosition to the camera.
The problem is that the second intro still appears when you press skip. What should I do to keep the other intro's from appearing if they press skip?
wait() game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(0, false) game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(2, false) local Intro = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Intro"):Clone() Intro.Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera wait(3)--Wait for the stuff to load local cam = Workspace.CurrentCamera cam.CameraType = "Scriptable" cam.CoordinateFrame =, 7.73, 107.733) cam.Focus =, 8.4218502, 107.846222, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) ------------------------------------------- local IntroGui = script.Parent.IntroGui local SkipButton = IntroGui.Content.Pages.Skip local SadSong = IntroGui.SadSong --------------------------- function OpenMenu() for i = 0.5,0,-0.01 do SadSong.Volume = i wait() end wait() cam:ClearAllChildren() local a = script.Parent.MenuCameraPosition:Clone() a.Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera IntroGui:Remove() local Menu = script.Parent.Menu --------- local Holder = Menu.Holder ---------VARIABLES---------- local PianoSound = Menu.PianoSound --------- Menu.LocalScript.Disabled = false --Run Menu scripts PianoSound:Play() --Play Music Holder.Visible = true --Make Menu visible script.Disabled = true end -------------------------- SkipButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() OpenMenu() ---Closes Intro and opens Menu end) function IntroTwo() Intro:Remove() Intro2 = script.Parent.IntroTwo:Clone() Intro2.Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera end wait(20) IntroTwo()
I read through your script many times. I recommend while waiting to debug act like the computer and think logically like I(think I) have done. The first thing I noticed is that your event on line 53 can be activated whenever, which makes sense. The second thing I noticed was that on line 64 and 65 functions are called to activate introtwo regardless of if the skip button was pressed. I assume this is the error. What I would do is at the top copy and paste this
skip = false
then, on line 54 (right before you call the function openmenu()
, put
skip = true
THEN.... change line 64 and 65 from
wait(20) IntroTwo()
if skip == true then wait(20) IntroTwo() end
Hopes this helps! PM me @tkddude2 on roblox when your game is done!