I have tried to Fix this, as in Using different Methods, Such as or, but I thought you guys should see the source of the Problem And See if I am Missing anything.
Replicants = {"amegaman","papertiger67"} function Text(text,time,par,Texttype) local m=Instance.new(Texttype) m.Parent=par m.Text=text wait(time) if m~=nil then m:Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) for i,v in pairs(Replicants)do if plr.Name:lower()==v:lower()then plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg:lower()=="@m" or "@message" then Text("This is a message!",4,workspace,"Message") end if msg:lower():sub(1,3)=="@m/"or "@message/" then Text(plr.Name..": "..msg:sub(4),4,workspace,"Message") end end) end end end)
For The Message it Says "This is a Message!" and Than the Actual Message.
if msg:lower()=="@m" or "@message" then
You are using or incorrectly. It should be,
msg:lower()=="@m" or msg:lower() == "@message" then
if msg:lower():sub(1,3)=="@m/"or "@message/" then
First, it would probably be better to do elseif. Second, :sub(1,3) means the first three characters, so it would only work for @m/. And of course, the same problem as before. I would do this:
elseif msg:lower():sub(1,3) == "@m/" or msg:lower():sub(1,9) == "@message/" then
Hope i helped!
Check out this video it works in the same way:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBXXiEUbKTA&list=PL07EDADFC98AE6A54