I was looking everywhere on the internet and i couldn't Find it so i decided to ask here. So i'm trying to make an admin script everything is going good but there's one problem. How do i get peoples Names by using find first child? my name is oskar2266001 so if i want to type ;ban osk it would ban me? Please help here's the code.
wait(3) local Admin = "oskar2266001" local BanList = Instance.new("Folder",game.ReplicatedStorage) local Prefix = ";" BanList.Name = "BanList" local Players = game:GetService("Players") for i, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Name == Admin then game.Players[Admin].Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg == Prefix.."shutdown" then for i, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do game.Players[player.Name]:Kick("The Game was Shutdown By "..Admin) end end if msg:sub(1, 6) == Prefix.."kill " then local Target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(msg:sub(7)) if Target then local Character = Target.Character if Character then Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end end if msg:sub(1, 6) == Prefix.."kick " then local Target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(msg:sub(7)) if Target then Target:Kick("You have Been Kicked By "..Admin) end end end) end end
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