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How to rotate an object when it is spawned in?

Asked by 5 years ago

In my ServerStorage, when you spawn in a model to a certain position, it is rotated a certain way (which is 90 degrees off). It is not clear to me how this would be done. It cannot be as simple as rotating the model from the ServerStorage. It has to be done by a script, or else it won't work in other places that you spawn it. Here is a portion of it.

for i, v in pairs(game.Teams['Garage 6']:GetPlayers()) do
if (locked) then return end
locked = true
local vehicleName = player.Name.."Car"
if (not workspace:FindFirstChild(vehicleName)) then
local model = game.ServerStorage.Vehicles:FindFirstChild(vehicles[index][1]):Clone()
model.Name = vehicleName
model.Parent = game.Workspace
model:MoveTo(, 186.25, -88.916))

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

I know it’s a short answer I’m on phone but use cframe. vissequ 105 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 1 year ago

Use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() to position it before parenting it to the workspace.

CFrame values can both set a position of a part as well as the orientation of it. If your Model has a PrimaryPart, this function will set the CFrame of the PrimaryPart to where ever you choose and then take all the parts in that model and move them based on where the PrimaryPart is.

local Model = workspace.Car
Model.PrimaryPart = Model.Center

local Clone = Model:Clone()

local spawnPosition =, 5, 10) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0) is the position
--CFrame.Angles is the orientation
--math.rad converts degrees to radians

Clone.Parent = workspace

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