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Im trying to make rigs using a plugin (the 2018 way), its not working, how do we do it now?

Asked by 6 years ago

So, I’ve been having trouble with rigs because I use the old way to make rigs. I have no idea how to make these new kinds of rigs with all this new things. I use a plugin to make the rig (custom character creator) and it works and all, except I cant animate the rig. How do you make morphs with this new style? Do you have to script? If so, what would be the script you’d have to make?

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

Inside of roblox studio go to the plugins tab
then click on manage plugins
then click find plugins
then search for the plugin called Load Character made by Already pro and install it, then u should be able get rigs just fine

But Im trying to make them, and the animation plugin made by roblox isn't working. It either has to do with some "Primary part" which I know nothing about. Pyro_dood 31 — 6y
the primary part is the humanoidrootpart but idk why its not working for u Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 6y
the other plugin u can use is Motor6D Maker by TheNexusAvenger Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 6y
Thanks for telling me, Ill try it out Pyro_dood 31 — 6y
if this works for u would u mind upvoting me Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 6y

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