This is the script where it is happening.
local log = script.Parent
local logGuard = false
local function onTouch(partTouched)
local character = partTouched.Parent
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(humanoid.Parent)
local playerStats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
local playerLogCount = playerStats:FindFirstChild("Has Log")
if humanoid and logGuard == false then
log.Transparency = 1
log.CanCollide = false
logGuard = true
playerLogCount.Value = 1
print ("You have collected a log!")
wait (5)
log.Transparency = 0
log.CanCollide = true
logGuard = false
print ("You can pick up another log")
end --End if Humanoid statement
end --End onTouch function
Hahaha funny, i had this exact problem like 2 months ago anyways, i might be able to help. If you are using a serverside script this won't work you gotta use a local script.