Question, does the local script when you close that GUI remove the whole GUI from the PlayerGui or does it make the Frames Visible false? If so then simply make it were you add:
02 | if not Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "Gui" ) then |
03 | local gui = script.Gui:clone() |
04 | gui.Parent = Player.PlayerGui |
05 | gui.LocalScript.Disabled = false |
06 | elseif Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "Gui" ) then |
07 | Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "Gui" ).LocalScript.Disabled = true |
08 | Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "Gui" ).LocalScript.Disabled = false |
09 | Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "Gui" ).*NAME OF FRAME*.Visible = true |
12 | script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(boop) |