First want to make it clear that I am not asking for scripts, more like advice.
To anyone who has seen or played Club Penguin, they had this feature where you could click a GUI and then have the ability to throw a snowball.
The GUI feature seems fairly obvious but as for scripting the snowball throwing not sure how to go about it. I know I would need some sort of animation, but as for how to get a snowball to go to that position I have no clue how to go about it.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
It seems that you want a GUI where when you click it you'll throw a snowball. There's a ton of ways you can do this but in my opinion tools are way better at this stuff than GUIs. What you can do is use Body Movers. You can also edit a part's Velocity, etc. For GUIs you can use remote events to create a part to your character and then use a Body Mover to make the snowball go forward. Good luck!
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