I'm using an old RP Name Script that utilized RbxUtility, which is now deprecated. I changed it to use Instance.new but I can't seem to get the script to run at all now and it's having problems in this area:
local function PlayerAdded(Player) local NameplateInfo = Instance.new('Configuration') { Name = 'NameplateInfo', Parent = Player, } local NameInfo = Instance.new('StringValue') { Name = 'PlayerName', Parent = NameplateInfo, Value = Player.Name, } local ColorInfo = Instance.new('Color3Value') { Name = 'Color', Parent = NameplateInfo, Value = Color3.new(1,1,1), } local FontInfo = Instance.new('StringValue') { Name = 'Font', Parent = NameplateInfo, Value = 'ArialBold', } Player.CharacterAdded:connect(CharacterAdded) Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message) Chatted(Player,Message) end) LoadNameplate(Player)
You need to link PlayerAdded to the script as well.
Which would be why it is not running at all, as that is just a block, not a event, and that block does not appear to be called.