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Im trying to make a backpack script but Wheat does not seem to increase in value on the textlabel?

Asked by 5 years ago
local BackPack = script.Parent.BackPack

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Wheat = Player.leaderstats.Wheat

local Storage = script.Parent.Storage.Value

local Storage = "25"

BackPack.Text = Player.leaderstats.Wheat.Value.."/"..Storage

if Wheat.Value == Storage then return end

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Answered by 5 years ago

This is because you have only set the textlabel once in the script meaning it would only run once. If you want it to change: use the Changed event like this:

    local BackPack = script.Parent.BackPack

    local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

    local Wheat = Player.leaderstats.Wheat

    local Storage = script.Parent.Storage.Value

    local Storage = "25"

    BackPack.Text = Player.leaderstats.Wheat.Value.."/"..Storage
    Wheat.Changed:Connect(function() -- when wheat changes it will fire this function
        BackPack.Text = Player.leaderstats.Wheat.Value.."/"..Storage

    if Wheat.Value == Storage then return end
Thank you very much! Narrowlegobricks 12 — 5y

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