I want to change 24 blocks 'Anchored' property, but I really don't want to have to change all 24 of their names, and then put them all into the script. Is there a way to make all 24 blocks named PlatformA to be unanchored without writing 48 different lines of code?
Yes, there is a way, and I'll explain. Here's the code for it, I'll explain in comments.
a = game.Workspace:GetChildren() --If the platforms are in a model, change this as necessary for i,v in pairs(a) do --Sorts through a's children if v.Name == "PlatformA" then --Selects all of a's children that are named PlatformA v.Anchored = false end end
I hope this made some sense to you. Thanks!
Group them and then un group them once you finish teh script, use i,v in pairs() method and v: IsA(part) method