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[SOLVED] How to make objects spawn in multiple locations?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Hi all.

I'm trying to make a game where cars will drive along a road and the player must run between them without getting hit.

To do this, I have 2 types of car parts in server storage. One scripted to move right and one to move left.

A script stored within ServerScriptService is used to clone these cars then make the copy a child of a part beside the road to act as a spawn point.

My issue is I have added an additional road, a duplicate of the road model I already have including the spawn blocks. However, the cars only spawn on the original road, not the duplicated one as well. I was wondering how I would go about doing this to have the cars appear at all spawn points. Would I need additional models or cars?

For Clarification. I made the cars spawn on the bottom road but I also want them to spawn on the road above at the same time. I assumed duplicating the road model would work as the path to it would be the same. What should I do instead?

Code Screenshots

The links are 404 gullet 471 — 6y
If you want them to spawn on the other road then set their position (CFrame) to correspond to the other positions. gullet 471 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

I made a project that spawn the same object from ReplicatedStorage to different spawn part locations. I just put this script inside each of the spawn parts in Workspace.

local Bear = game.ReplicatedStorage.Bear
local spawner = script.Parent

while true do
  local Clone = Bear: Clone()
 Clone.Dummy.UpperTorso.CFrame = spawner.CFrame
 Clone.Parent = workspace

For your project, I see that you use a single script to spawn the cars. Maybe you can use this sample code and alter it to work for your project:

local spawners = game.Workspace.Spawns -- folder or model of the spawn parts
local car = game.ReplicatedStorage.Car
local Clone1 = car:Clone()
local Clone2 = car:Clone()
local Clone3 = car:Clone()
local Clone4 = car:Clone()

--set a PrimaryPart because models don't have Position or CFrame. Pick a part inside your model. I just name it to PrimaryPart to make it easier to notice.
Clone1.PrimaryPart = Clone1.primarypart
Clone2.PrimaryPart = Clone2.primarypart
Clone3.PrimaryPart = Clone3.primarypart
Clone4.PrimaryPart = Clone4.primarypart

-- create a loop
while true do 
    wait (1) -- wait for everything to load ... can remove if you want or adjust

        -- put the car into the world
        Clone1.Parent = workspace
        Clone2.Parent = workspace
        Clone3.Parent = workspace
        Clone4.Parent = workspace

        -- bring the model to the spawner's CFrame/Position
        Clone1.PrimaryPart.CFrame = spawners.spawn1.CFrame +,0,0)
        Clone2.PrimaryPart.CFrame = spawners.spawn2.CFrame +,0,0)
        Clone3.PrimaryPart.CFrame = spawners.spawn3.CFrame +,0,0)
        Clone4.PrimaryPart.CFrame = spawners.spawn4.CFrame +,0,0)

        wait(5) -- wait how many seconds till it goes disappear
        Clone1.Parent = nil
        Clone2.Parent = nil
        Clone3.Parent = nil
        Clone4.Parent = nil

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