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Is it possible to know when player's character touches a shadow?

Asked by
zor_os 70
5 years ago

Hello, Is it possible to detect if a players character enters or touches a shadow? I've been having troubles with this and the best solution I've found is to create my own shadows but this is a hassle and very limiting so I'd like to know if there are other alternatives.

Very interesting question, I don't exactly know if you're talking about statues of moving objects like players, or something like buildings. songboy50 77 — 5y
Any shadow really. zor_os 70 — 5y
Hey, If you're talking about actual lighting shadows, you can't really do that, unless you create a hitbox behind an object that's constantly being aligned to a light source, but I'm not sure why you'd do that. Ashley_Phantom 372 — 5y
Oh that's a pain, and yeah that'd be way to limiting. zor_os 70 — 5y

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