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How To Find the character who's sat on a seat part?

Asked by 6 years ago

So long story short I’ve been trying to find a way to find the character of a person who’s been sat on a seat usually it ends up in an error with it returning as a nil. I’ve already tried using seat.Occupant and the lot really and I’m a little lost.

I need to find the character for the seat to be able to change their max health and health.

Any help?

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Answered by 6 years ago

Ok so you need to find out what is touching the part. So

1local seat = script.Parent -- or whatever it is
2seat.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- function to see who touched
3    local char = hit.Parent -- hit is the part that touches the leg
4    if char then -- checks to see if character is there
5        print(char.Name) -- prints the name
make sure u add a debounce WillBe_Stoped 71 — 6y

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