If you wanna just look in there, it is uncopylocked.
13:12:07.170 - CFrame is not a valid member of Workspace 13:12:07.170 - Script 'Workspace.testModuleScript', Line 13 - field DoorOpen 13:12:07.171 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.Main_V0.03.Main_V0.03', Line 138 13:12:07.171 - Stack End Pastebin /u8pjsNby ^Module script
/JnUMcxFP ^^^^Door script
/FaphtTWn ^^^^^Local script
Although I may be misunderstanding the error, it appears that line 13 of the ModuleScript is causing the problem:
If that is the case, I'm guessing it is script.Parent.CFrame
causing the problem.
If the ModuleScript is in the Workspace, then script.Parent
is the Workspace, not some part. The Workspace doesn't have a CFrame value for you to get or manipulate.