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How To Make The Hostile NPC Recognize and gives exp to the killer?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

hello there ,

so recently im planning to make a rpg game and when testing using roblox studio play mode but im having trouble with the stats system that gives exp when a player killed a npc

the script in the weapon (using regular script and it also says the player cant be found) :

01local tool = script.Parent
02local candamage = tool:WaitForChild("CanDamage")
03local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
06    local char = p.Parent
07    local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
08    local hitsound = tool:WaitForChild("Hit")
09if candamage.Value == false then
10    if hum then
11            candamage.Value = true
12            hitsound:Play()
13            hum.Health = hum.Health - script.Dmg.Value
14            wait(1)
15            candamage.Value = false
View all 21 lines...

the one inside the npc (using script):

1local human = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
3    local tag = human.Parent:FindFirstChild("creator")
4    if tag then
5game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.Geee:Fire(10,human.creator.Value)--gee is a bindable event so far i haven't got an error in the output but if there's a mistake please help me :( im still new to scripting
6    end

it keeps saying it cant find the creator tag

i hope it can give the player 10 exp when the player kills it

Edit: I saw the comments that i should use Event to add the tag to the npc but how do i exactly do that?

Does you game use FE ? If yes the first script (in the weapon) should be a local script because Players.LocalPlayer can't be accessed with a regular script. And you should use remote event/function to spawn the tag. xJathur95x 129 — 6y
kid make the npc remember the person that last hit it, then once the npc dies award points to the player. this encourages competition in the game. TheluaBanana 946 — 6y
your making local tag ="StringValue",p.Parent.Humanoid) have a parent early cherrythetree 130 — 6y
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Also instead of hum.Health = hum.Health - script.Dmg.Value, use hum:TakeDamage(script.Dmg.Value) cherrythetree 130 — 6y
@TheluaBanana thats what im trying to ask RichardP965 2 — 6y
@xJathur95x Roblox Forced FE on all games on 2018 and thx for the suggestion to ill try to make it that way RichardP965 2 — 6y
@RichardP965 good job u dont even know how to do that TheluaBanana 946 — 6y
its ok well get there step by step TheluaBanana 946 — 6y
@TheluaBanana Can you teach me how to do that correctly? RichardP965 2 — 6y
k i gave a easy enough way TheluaBanana 946 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by 6 years ago
  1. place string value inside npc

  2. when player uses a weapon or something, and if that weapon hits the npc, have the string value mentioned in (1.) set to the player's name

  3. if npc dies have a script in it which searches thru the player list to find the player with matching name of the value, and if match is found, award player points

simple enough?

yea its thanks but i don't understand the (1.) is it meant to be the first script? RichardP965 2 — 6y
no its meant to be the first step. TheluaBanana 946 — 4y
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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

u changed

1local char = p.Parent

u need change it to

1local char = p.Character

instead of Parent

pppppp TheluaBanana 946 — 6y
But its not for a Player Can it work with Non-Playable Character? RichardP965 2 — 6y

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