Hello guys, I have a sad story. I have been working on this for several hours and I cannot seem to find a solution that works. This piece of code doesn't work:
(function () print'josh =' end)()(function () print'noob' end)()
Ignore what the body is in those functions, it doesn't matter because I still get the same error, which is:
[string "(function () print'josh =' end)()(function ..."]:1: attempt to call a nil value
Does anybody know how to fix this? It would really mean the world to me, and many others who share this issue too! Please help...
I have no idea why you would ever want to do this but it seems to be something to do with how lua is parsing the code. To resolve this include ;
to specify the end of statment.
(function () print'josh =' end)();(function () print'noob' end)()
hope this helps.
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