So here is the code
print("enter") function countdown(length) local h=script.Parent for i = length,1,-1 do h.Text = tostring(i) wait(1) end end print("entrrhdher") game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) -- It doesnt print anything below, no stack end print("enter2")--Doesnt print this if plr.Name=="Obscuriti" or plr.Name=="MathisGuidonsio" or plr.Name=="Tempestatem" or plr.Name=="ImperatorVince" then print("Hello") plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) print("Timer") if msg:sub(1,7) == "/timer " then print("Timer2") for k, p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do p.PlayerGui.TimerGui.Frame.Visible=true end local time = tonumber(msg:sub(8)) countdown(time) for k, p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do p.PlayerGui.TimerGui.Frame.Visible=false end end end) end end)
I changed playeradded to a while loop and for k,plr in pairs