And no, before you link me to some wack thread, I have read up on each one and none of them have the right solution, for they are completely different matters.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local copieddata = script.Data:Clone() copieddata.Parent = plr local data = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local cashdata = data:GetDataStore("Cash") local success, cashdata = pcall(function() return cashdata:GetAsync(plr) end) if success then if cashdata == nil then cashdata:SetAsync(plr, 0) end copieddata.Cash.Value = cashdata end --data local copiedplotinfo = script.PlotInformation:Clone() copiedplotinfo.Parent = plr if workspace.Plots.Plot1.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot1" workspace.Plots.Plot1.Owner.Value = plr.Name elseif workspace.Plots.Plot2.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot2" workspace.Plots.Plot2.Owner.Value = plr.Name elseif workspace.Plots.Plot3.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot3" workspace.Plots.Plot3.Owner.Value = plr.Name elseif workspace.Plots.Plot4.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot4" workspace.Plots.Plot4.Owner.Value = plr.Name end --plot placement local currentplot = copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value local plot = workspace.Plots:FindFirstChild(currentplot) local function farmincome() --farm gainer stuff local farm = plot.Farm local farmlvl = farm.LVL.Value local income = 0 if farmlvl == 1 then income = 50 end local Cash = copieddata.Cash Cash.Value = Cash.Value + income print("Gave farm cash respectively. New cash=".. Cash.Value) print("Amount of cash recieved=".. income) cashdata:SetAsync(plr, Cash.Value) end local function westernshootoutscoutedition() --MAKE SCOUT DELAY TIME AND CASH GAIN ETC end while true do wait(5) farmincome() --farm income delay and thing wait() end --next oen here --farms, zombie dmg, etc. (active slots r used for like showing if it actually function) end)
At line 06, you attempted to define cashdata again as the data in the data store, which in this case is a number. So when you attempted to set the data at line 52, you're actually calling SetAsync on a number. You need to use a different variable name for the variable to not override itself.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local copieddata = script.Data:Clone() copieddata.Parent = plr local data = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local cashdata = data:GetDataStore("Cash") local success, cash = pcall(function() return cashdata:GetAsync(plr) end) if success then if cash == nil then cashdata:SetAsync(plr, 0) end copieddata.Cash.Value = cash end --data local copiedplotinfo = script.PlotInformation:Clone() copiedplotinfo.Parent = plr if workspace.Plots.Plot1.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot1" workspace.Plots.Plot1.Owner.Value = plr.Name elseif workspace.Plots.Plot2.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot2" workspace.Plots.Plot2.Owner.Value = plr.Name elseif workspace.Plots.Plot3.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot3" workspace.Plots.Plot3.Owner.Value = plr.Name elseif workspace.Plots.Plot4.Owner.Value == "Nil" then copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value = "Plot4" workspace.Plots.Plot4.Owner.Value = plr.Name end --plot placement local currentplot = copiedplotinfo.Plot.Value local plot = workspace.Plots:FindFirstChild(currentplot) local function farmincome() --farm gainer stuff local farm = plot.Farm local farmlvl = farm.LVL.Value local income = 0 if farmlvl == 1 then income = 50 end local Cash = copieddata.Cash Cash.Value = Cash.Value + income print("Gave farm cash respectively. New cash=".. Cash.Value) print("Amount of cash recieved=".. income) cashdata:SetAsync(plr, Cash.Value) end local function westernshootoutscoutedition() --MAKE SCOUT DELAY TIME AND CASH GAIN ETC end while true do wait(5) farmincome() --farm income delay and thing wait() end --next oen here --farms, zombie dmg, etc. (active slots r used for like showing if it actually function) end)