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Can someone help me with this bug which is effecting me majorly?

Asked by 6 years ago

Hello. I have made a script which is meant to remove a house when a player leaves or types a command. I made this a function. This seems to work fine but whenever around 8 people start playing I get this error saying "Infinate yield possible on". This is really annoying because I know for a fact it's there and I keep getting these errors... Heres my script

1function remove(booth)
2    for i, child in ipairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Information:GetChildren()) do
3        if child:WaitForChild("Plot") then
4            if child.Plot.Value == booth.Floor.Floor then
5                child:Destroy()
6            end
7        end
8    end

This works sometimes????

Try using "FindFirstChild" instead SerpentineKing 3885 — 6y
I also attempted that but had the same issue CrazyCorrs 98 — 6y
Can you use a "print(i, v)" on the table to see if anything is nil? ipairs will stop the function if it returns nil SerpentineKing 3885 — 6y
It isn't nil though I manually put it there that's what is confusing me? CrazyCorrs 98 — 6y
Plus it works sometimes, so it must be there CrazyCorrs 98 — 6y

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Answered by
LuaDLL 253 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

My first guess is that its because you used ipairs which stops once it finds a nil arguement, and that you used WaitForChild instead of FindFirstChild.

1function remove(booth)
2    for i, child in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Information:GetChildren()) do
3        if child:FindFirstChild("Plot") then
4            if child.Plot.Value == booth.Floor.Floor then
5                child:Destroy()
6            end
7        end
8    end
I'll try this, thanks! CrazyCorrs 98 — 6y
This seems to just skip it now? I kinda need it to remove but now this just doesn't do anything CrazyCorrs 98 — 6y

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