Whenever you press LMB it reloads the gun... but I only want the R button to reload the gun instead. How would I do this?
For Testing Purposes:
1) Make a tool and put it in starterpack.
2) Make a part in the tool and name it "Handle"
3)Put a RemoteEvent in the tool and name it "Damage"
local MaxAmmo = 5 local Ammo = MaxAmmo local Reloading = false script.Parent.Equipped:Connect(function(Mouse) Mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures/GunCursor.png" local function Reload() Reloading = true Mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures/GunCursor.png" wait(2) Ammo = MaxAmmo Reloading = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures/GunCursor.png" end script.Parent.Activated:Connect(function() if Ammo>0 and not Reloading then Ammo=Ammo-1 if Mouse.Target.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then script.Parent.Damage:FireServer(Mouse.Target.Parent, 20) end elseif Reloading == false then Reload() end print(Ammo) end) local Input = game:GetService("UserInputService") Input.InputBegan:Connect(function(Key) if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R and Reloading == false and Ammo~=MaxAmmo then Reload() end end) end)
script.Parent.Damage.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Target, Damage) Target.Humanoid:TakeDamage(Damage) end)
If you delete
elseif Reloading == false then Reload()
it should work. Since this line occurs after the "if Ammo>0 and not Reloading" check, it is essentially making it so that if Ammo<=0 it runs Reload()
Apologies if there is anything wrong with my formatting, first time posting.