Hello, I'm having a problem with Remoteevents. Here's the script for both and heirarchy:
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local starterGUI = game:GetService("StarterGui") local countDownMain = script.Parent.Parent local countDownFrame = countDownMain.CountDownFrame local countDownText = countDownFrame.CountDownText local countDownRemote = repStorage:WaitForChild("CountDownRemote") local function countDown() for i = 10, 1, -1 do print(i) countDownText.Text = i wait(1) if i == 1 then countDownText.Text = "Beginning..." end end end countDownRemote.OnClientEvent:Connect(countDown)
Server script:
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local gameStart = repStorage:WaitForChild("GameStart") local countDownRemote = repStorage:WaitForChild("CountDownRemote") repeat wait() until gameStart.Value == false countDownRemote:FireAllClients()
Heirarchy: https://i.gyazo.com/95f972154bfebf62d279bb35323ebac1.png
Whenever I run the game, the script seems to work in client mode, but when I switch to server mode the i value prints, but the text on the GUI does not. When running it on test mode, it appears to not work whatsoever. Thanks.
The server is not a player so it has no PlayerGui
Gives a copy of it self to a player when they join. Thats why