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How to rotate an accessory?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited by User#24403 6 years ago

Hello, i just have a really simple question; How do you rotate an accessory? Rotating it physically just changes the handle and the actual accessory attachment things move it back, and that's the problem. All i see is attachment POSITIONS. Not rotation. i See this for the properties of accessory:

**Appearance** -AttachForward -AttackPos -AttachRight -AttachUp **Data** -ClassName -Name -Parent **Behavior** -Archivable

As you can see, nothing with rotation, so how do i do this? Thank you :)

Note; do not swear indirectly or directly.
I pretty sure it has something to do with the property 'RotVelocity' under 'Data' sheepposu 561 — 6y
i dont see rotvelocity CommanderCaubunsia 126 — 6y
sorry for late response, but sorry, was looking at the wrong thing. What are you rotating an accessory for. sheepposu 561 — 6y
Well i was a little lazy the other day and i wanted a quich accesory to grab instead of using blender, so i found a "ssj3 hair" accesory and its backwards though, anyways, i need to rotate it 180 degrees, k CommanderCaubunsia 126 — 6y

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Answered by 6 years ago

Hello, i may not have robux but i can script, so this is not hard, i dont know why they call it that but the rotation is in there, its the Attackmentup attackmentforward and attachment seomthing, those are the rotation, its hard to explain, but it does this weird thing whatever, all you need to know is attackment pos is the actual position, and the attachmentUp and that stuff is rotation, dunno why but it is, grammer might be wrong but im hurrying sorry :)

THANK YOU :) CommanderCaubunsia 126 — 6y

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