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Spinning script spins every block in my entire map. How come?

Asked by 6 years ago

So I have a MAJOR problem with this script I am implementing.

while true do
    script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.05,0,0)

Is there something in my script that makes it not work? The parent for the script is named "Union" if that has to be the problem with it.

Are all the blocks spinning, or are they all unioned to this thing? According to this script any block that this script is parented under will spin. Otherwise, it may be a bug if your "Union" is the PrimaryPart of the Map Model SerpentineKing 3885 — 6y
There are some blocks that are spinning and some blocks that are in the same position and I tried to look for all these bugs but there is nothing. PxnnPenguinx 10 — 6y
can you show me the place? If you'd like to you can post a link here, or send me a DM on Discord: SerpentineKing#0155 SerpentineKing 3885 — 6y
I will send you a picture of what I mean on discord, my discord is penn#6639 PxnnPenguinx 10 — 6y

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