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How to make a model with only parts become a "StarterCharacter"?

Asked by 6 years ago

Well. I've not learned so much at this point, but, i know that if you want to make a model the "StarterCharacter" you just name it and put in the "StarterPlayer". But, i've noticed that the mode i am trying to make the "StarterCharacter" is always not working. I've seen that most of the characters that work have "HumanoidRootPart" and "Torso" parts, but, i've added those to my model, and, still doesn't work, what could be the problem?

Does it not spawn, or does the model fall apart? Rheines 661 — 6y
It doesn't spawn. VictorSantosCarneir 0 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

You can simply make a Starter Character completely invisible, then wield unanchored unions or parts wherever and what ever part u want. u can also chosoe what parts have CanCollide on and Can Collide off


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