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How can I check for my "whitelisted" names (line 1) and perform an action if a name is matched?

Asked by 5 years ago

Within my If statement, I'm trying to detect multiple player names locally.

local Players = 'NAME1', 'NAME2', 'NAME3' --etc.
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

if Player.Name == Players  then 
elseif Player.Name ~= Players then 
    warn("Name did not match whitelisted players!")

I get my custom "Error" message (warn message) because it did not detect the player names. I am trying to check for the names it's supposed to check for and perform a function after.

1 answer

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Answered by
Isaque232 171
5 years ago

Hello, you can make the Players variable a table and iterate through it checking if Player.Name is equal to one of the names at the Players table.

On this example I'll be using the for loop to iterate through the Players table.

local Players = {'Name1', 'Name2', 'Name3'} -- Made it a table by adding { }
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local FoundPlayer = false

for i = 1, #Players do -- Iterates through the ' Players ' table

    if Player.Name == Players[i] then -- Checks if the LocalPlayer's name is in the table.
        FoundPlayer = true -- If it is then FoundPlayer will be set to true.

if FoundPlayer == true then -- If FoundPlayer == true ( If Player.Name is in the table ) do
    print(" Player is in table ") -- (... Your code)
    print(" Player is not in table ") -- (... Your code)

Hopefully this solves your issue! You can see more about loops such as the for loop I've used here: Roblox Coding Basics - Loops

Awesome, thank you! Works perfectly! vislbIe 4 — 5y

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